
Our Green Policy

In 2024 we partnered with Green Tourism to promote greener ways of doing business and will support us on our green journey. Killashee Hotel is committed to managing our environmental impacts in a responsible way. 

We are thrilled that Killashee Hotel has been honored with the Gold Green Tourism award!

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Environmental & Sustainability Statement 

Killashee Hotel recognises the importance and encouragement of environmental best-practice to ensure the long-term sustainability of the tourism industry. We are committed to a sustainable future and to improving the social, economic and environmental well-being of the community. Killashee Hotel is focused on the implementation of the highest standards of environmental practice resulting in an environmentally friendly organisation. With everyone working together we can look forward to a cleaner and safer environment.

Our Green Policy

At Killashee Hotel, we have an increasing focus on the environment by establishing a sustainable consciousness across the Hotel, Restaurants, The Spa, The Leisure Club and our surroundings. Killashee Hotel is committed to the following sustainable activities:

Click to see our Green Policy.

The Hotel 

  • We are active members of Repak and are continuously working on our recycling and waste management systems. Repak is a not-for-profit packaging recycling scheme funded by contributions from over 3,000 participating member companies.
  • Fuel efficient and environmentally friendly – 2 CHP’s installed providing 35% of our electrical load requirements.
  • We analyse and report monthly on our waste, electricity, gas, carbon, and water consumption reductions.
  • Two Electric Vehicle Charging Units on the hotel grounds provided by the EasyGo. Proposal in place to increase this to 8 EV charging units before end of year.
  • Installed LED lighting and motion sensors to reduce energy consumption.
  • We have a BMS SYSTEM in place to reduce and maintain our energy consumption. This system involves shutting down electronics that are not in use such as lights.
  • Aerators fitted throughout the property to reduce water usage.
  • We encourage our suppliers and contractors to participate in our efforts to protect the environment.
  • We are working on minimising the printing of brochures and are sourcing eco-friendly gift and marketing products. 
  • Signage throughout the hotel asking guests to turn off lights and electrical equipment when leaving guest/meeting room including air conditioning, phone chargers, laptops and coffee machines.
  • We have natural plants across the property to recycle the air.
  • Make every possible effort to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle 

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Our Office

  • Send e-invoices where possible to reduce the amount of paper that we use and re-use paper at the front desk and offices.
  • All office paper waste is collected for composting.
  • Cardboard packaging, newspapers, magazines, glass, cans, plastic bottles, used light bulbs and batteries are all returned to our suppliers or collected for recycling.

Guest Bedrooms

  • Electricity is activated by a key card, we request that guests turn off lights & air conditioning when leaving their room.
  • We provide single-use toiletries in the bedrooms with 300 ml refillable Elemis bottles.
  • Long-term guests have their sheets changed every third day.
  • Encourage all guests to reuse towels and bathrobes.
  • Express check out available for all guests. Bills/invoices can be emailed post-stay.

double deluxe refurbished

Restaurant & Bar

  • We have an emphasis on reducing food waste and our Executive Head Chef sources local ingredients wherever possible to reduce carbon footprint. 
  • Built a herb garden or use by our Head Chef and kitchen team.
  • All food waste is collected for composting.
  • We have introduced paper straws and bamboo swizzle sticks in our Bar & Restaurants.
  • Takeaway coffee cups are 100% compostable. 
  • All our water bottles used in bars/restaurants and bedrooms are made of glass, therefore are reusable or fully recyclable.

the pippin tree night banner

Our Staff

  • Our Green Team is led by Greg Kelly, Purchasing Manager and Ciaran O’Connor, Head of Facilities and meets every month to report and action on all green opportunities for the hotel.
  • We provide all employees with the training and resources required to meet our objectives as part of their induction and ongoing training.
  • Walk or bike to work, we contribute to the bike to work scheme, provide storage for bikes and encourage local recruitment.

Solar PV

  • As part of our ESG strategy we invested heavily in Solar PV in 2024.
  • Our solar array comprises of 488 Canadian TOPHiku6 Tier 1 solar panels.
  • This gives our property 233316.7 kWh/year, approximately 20% of our total electrical demand covered by solar power
  • Some of the key environmental benefits of this installation include:
    • Equivalent of planting 1411 trees annually
    • Corresponds to 60.1957089 tons per year of neutralised CO2 or 117,943 kg of CO2 emissions avoided annually
    • Corresponds to the equivalent of 165585 km per year wheeled in a car

Electric Vehicle Charging 

  • We’ve partnered with EasyGo to deliver 10 * AC charging bays, fully EV branded spaces in prime parking locations onsite & 2 Rapid DC chargers.
  • Our 2 new super-fast Rapid Chargers are 75 Kwh Tritium Dual Chargers – ideal for guests needing a rapid charge and who may be visiting the hotel for a short period such as a meeting or even a catch up for a coffee etc.
  • Our 10 new AC Etrel Duo chargers are ideal for guests staying for longer periods such as overnight stays who are content with a slower charge as they enjoy our hotel amenities.
  • Our new chargers will be fully managed by our partners in EasyGo so our customers will benefit from 24/7 customer support along with onsite support from our Killashee team.
  • A number of these AC chargers will be powered from our new solar array so will be provising our customers with 100% green sustainable energy for their journey to and from Killashee.

In 2024 we partnered with Green Tourism to promote greener ways of doing business and will support us on our green journey. Killashee Hotel is committed to managing our environmental impacts in a responsible way. 

FBD Hotels & Resorts prioritise a sustainable future, aiming to enhance the community's social, economic, and environmental well-being. We acknowledge their role in safeguarding the environment for future generations and ensuring the tourism industry's long-term sustainability. Partnering with CBRE, global experts in advising properties on ESG strategy, we're developing a measurable roadmap for environmental, social, and governance goals, aiming for tangible improvements.

To view our current ESG Dashboard, Click Here. 


Dine Book Spa